Railroad Protective Coverage – Contract Tip of the Week

Jan 11, 2017Risk Management

Q: Our contract requires railroad protective coverage. Do I need to buy a separate policy?

A: RLI built coverage into our standard Business Owners Policy (BOP) for work done within 50 feet of a railroad. For some projects, your client may agree that this coverage is sufficient. If it isn’t, RLI also offers separate Railroad Protective Liability (RPL) coverage. If you need to purchase an RPL policy, ask your broker to obtain a quote for you.

The Risk Specialty Group and RLI Design Professionals are pleased to feature our Contract Tip of the Week series. Each week, we’ll review a question submitted by a design firm relating to the subject of contracts. Keep in mind, though, that these discussions are general in nature and in making specific business decisions, it’s important to review your options with a knowledgeable attorney.