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The Risk Specialty group brings you today’s best practices in Insurance and Risk Management. We have compiled a library of Best Practices and Claims Studies that is only available to our clients. Below is a sample of some FAQ’s and available resources:

Best Practices


Driver Selection: Best Practices for Obtaining Quality Drivers

Motor vehicle accidents are among the leading causes of work-related fatalities. In addition to the cost of lives, motor vehicles pose liability risks to your business. It is important to take precautions to prevent accidents involving your vehicles and employees from occurring…


What do I do in case of an auto accident?

Accidents are stressful. In order to help our insureds effectively handle the situation while trying to remain calm, we provide a checklist of guidelines to follow. The initial actions of a driver can be critical to minimizing the effects of an accident.


Office Safety

Each year, office workers suffer about 40,000 disabling injuries at work, costing an estimated $100 million annually in medical care and workers’ compensation. Companies also pay a high price in lost productivity when a valuable employee is disabled.


Non-Owned Automobiles: When Personal Vehicles Become Business

Company-owned vehicles are not the only ones used for business purposes – in many companies, employees use their own vehicles as well. Employees who operate their own vehicles to carry out business create liability exposure, just as if they were driving a company-owned vehicle.

Claims Benchmarking Studies


Resources 1

Large Sized Architects

(annual billings above $5 million)

Resources 2

Medium Sized Architects

(annual billings between $500,000 and $5 million)

Resources 3

Small Sized Architects

(annual billings less than $500,000)


Resources 4

Large Sized Engineers

(annual billings above $5 million)

Resources 5

Medium Sized Engineers

(annual billings between $500,000 and $5 million)

Resources 6

Small Sized Engineers

(annual billings less than $500,000)